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Archives for February 26, 2021

Live Bee Removal or Cut-out

Live Bee Removal or Cut-out

In this video, we will explain how to remove honeybees by doing a cut-out and compare it’s effectiveness to other methods of bee removal.

We will also answer common questions like …
Does the cut-out method work?
Will the bees come back once they have been cut out and removed?
When is the best time to cut out bees from a property?
Is the cut-out method worth it for removing bees from my property?
How long will it take to cut the bees out of my property?
Will a cut out cause damage to my property?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing a cutout bee removal?

Methods for a colony:
Cut out live bee removal method – https://youtu.be/oESMIMM3zQY
Sealing bees in – https://youtu.be/ck6AK7_i5AM
Spraying bees – https://youtu.be/zKq9Hs2TCns
Smoking bees out – https://youtu.be/5Dk53dzotC4
Trap out – https://youtu.be/PrBuU9nGzaI

Methods for a swarm:
Collecting bees in a box – https://youtu.be/sszYOqoscU8
Bee vac – https://youtu.be/jY9j3RZiMn8

Live bee comb removal, often known as a cut-out, is where you are cutting the honeycomb and the bees out of that void space.

Cut-outs usually require working at height equipment because bees often like to go high. This equipment would be a scaffold or a cherry picker. You also often need a lot of building equipment because bees often colonise in walls, roof and chimneys which you will need to take apart. Tools to cut the honeycomb and the bees out of the wall or void space will also be required.

Finally, you need an artificial hive to then move the bees into to rehome. You need frames and elastic bands which hold the wild honeycomb into the frames so they sit inside the artificial hive.

You will then need building experience to put that building back together again and complete reinstatement work.

When you remove bees there will be a number of bees flying around and a residue of bees in that area. So that opening needs to be closed or covered fairly quickly. This is important to prevent rain from getting or other bees that may be looking for a new home. Once you have cut away the comb and removed the bees there is still a scent of honey and comb in the area making it very attractive for other bees to recolonise that area.

During one cut-out we carried out, we removed around 300 kilograms of comb from a soffit board. We cut away the wooden soffit board and we took that honey and brood comb out and put it into an artificial hive.

What seems like couple of hundred bees flying in and out of the hole turned out to be a great deal more. You can have anywhere from 5000 bees to 100000 bees in a colony. Bees make between 25 to 50 kilograms of honey in a year. So if you had a problem for 10 years, there could be a significant issue within a building.

If you’ve just bought a building or moved into a building, you don’t know the history of that void space. What might look like a problem that’s just started may have been there for a long period of time. If you moved in during the winter, honeybees are not active in the winter. They’re alive in the winter, but they only become visible in the spring and summer when its warm enough to leave the comb. So it may be almost like there’s no problem and then it gets very, very busy. The issue may have been there for ten years or longer and you just haven’t noticed it in that location.


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At Beegone® Honeybee Removal, we truly understand how precious our bees are.

Beegone® specialises in the safe, environmentally friendly, live removal and rehoming of honeybee swarms and colonies, from structures or naturally occurring cavities. We cover the entire UK and have a team of trained and dedicated technicians ready to serve you.

Our aim is to educate people and businesses on honeybee identification and how to deal with them. We remove feral honeybees from structures, relocate them and prevent them from returning.

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