Are there free bee removal services?
In this video, we will explain what free bee removal is and why it is free. We will also explain when it stops becoming free and you may have to start paying for it.
We will also answer common questions like…
Why are some bee removals free?
Why do I sometimes have to pay for bee removal?
What are the risks with free honeybee removal?
Where do I go to get free bee removal?
When is the best time of year to get free bee removal?
Here in the UK beekeepers are interested in removing swarms of bees free. There’s a saying:
In May a swarm of bees is worth a bale of hay,
in June they’re worth a silver spoon and
in July well just let them fly!
They’re not worth very much to a beekeeper around July because the honey flow period is coming to an end. If they’re honeybees and you’ve got a swarm you’re probably in luck to get them removed.
If you’ve got any other type of bee or a colony of honeybees in a chimney or a wall, the beekeeper is probably not going to want to help out with that because of the risks involved from an insurance perspective.
If you listen to the message on the phone line on the British Beekeepers Association and read their website, they say that their members are not insured to break the fabric of buildings to remove bees. There is a lot of risk involved and they usually don’t want the hassle.
How to get rid of bees
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At Beegone® Honeybee Removal, we truly understand how precious our bees are.
Beegone® specialises in the safe, environmentally friendly, live removal and rehoming of honeybee swarms and colonies, from structures or naturally occurring cavities. We cover the entire UK and have a team of trained and dedicated technicians ready to serve you.
Our aim is to educate people and businesses on honeybee identification and how to deal with them. We remove feral honeybees from structures, relocate them and prevent them from returning.