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Is there anything I need to do before the technicians arrive to remove the bees?

Is there anything I need to do before the technicians arrive to remove the bees?

Clear the area

Depending on where the bees are located, you may be required to clear certain areas of your property so that we can access them properly. This may include furniture or possessions which may be in the way of the area our technicians need to work. It will make our work a lot quicker and more efficient on the day if the area is clear.

Notify neighbours

A safe work area will be blocked off  for safety reasons and to ensure passers by are not stung. Please notify your neighbors beforehand of the removal to avoid any inconvenience.

Access to the house/building

We will need access to the house/building in case of honeycomb or bees coming down into the house.


Live Bee Removal Logo 3 | Beegone

At Beegone® Honeybee Removal, we truly understand how precious our bees are.

Beegone® specialises in the safe, environmentally friendly, live removal and rehoming of honeybee swarms and colonies, from structures or naturally occurring cavities. We cover the entire UK and have a team of trained and dedicated technicians ready to serve you.

Our aim is to educate people and businesses on honeybee identification and how to deal with them. We remove feral honeybees from structures, relocate them and prevent them from returning.

Why can I still see bee activity after the extraction has been completed?

Why can I still see bee activity after the extraction has been completed?

In this video, we will explain why there may still be some bees flying around after the removal and how long it sometimes takes for the bees to fly off.

We will also answer other common questions like… 

How long does it take for the bees to go?

what happens to the residual bees?

Will they make another colony in there? 

You might be wondering why bees keep returning to your property even after a removal has been completed. The explanation is quite straightforward. On the day the removal was done, some bees were out foraging. As night falls or temperatures drop, these bees seek shelter to rest and, come daylight, attempt to return to their original hive location. This behavior is expected.

However, due to the proofing measures taken during removal, these bees cannot re-enter the sealed area. These straggler bees will eventually perish once the main colony has been relocated. It’s normal to observe some bees lingering after the removal process.

If the presence of these residual bees becomes a concern, please reach out to Beegone. We can address the situation further. Often, we leave a box overnight to capture any returning bees, especially if the queen is inside, encouraging them to enter the box from their return spot. By the time we finish, most bees should have been collected, but foragers returning later will gather near the previously occupied space. Don’t worry; these bees will either die off or disperse, and you’ll soon notice a decrease in their presence.

The complete clearing process can vary, lasting from a week to a month, depending on several factors, such as the hive’s original location or if any honey was spilled during removal. Spilled honey, especially if it seeps out from structures like soffit boards, leaves a residue that attracts other bees to the area, which might seem like the bees are coming back. However, these newcomers are just scavenging the leftover honey. Once the honey is fully consumed, these bees will also disappear.

We do our best to clean up any spillage, but it’s challenging to remove every trace. The residual honey might initially draw more bees, but this situation is temporary. Once the cleanup is complete and the honey is gone, you should no longer see bees around the previously affected area.


Live Bee Removal Logo 3 | Beegone

At Beegone® Honeybee Removal, we truly understand how precious our bees are.

Beegone® specialises in the safe, environmentally friendly, live removal and rehoming of honeybee swarms and colonies, from structures or naturally occurring cavities. We cover the entire UK and have a team of trained and dedicated technicians ready to serve you.

Our aim is to educate people and businesses on honeybee identification and how to deal with them. We remove feral honeybees from structures, relocate them and prevent them from returning.

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