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Who to call for bee removal near me?

In this video, we will explain who does bee removal near you and where the best places to go are for bee removal. 



Bee removal specialists – savebees.co.uk

Beekeepers – bbka.org.uk/swarm

Pest controllers – bpca.org.uk


We will also answer common questions like … 

Who does bee removal?  

What options are there for bee removal? 

Where can I go to compare bee removal?  

If you want someone to remove the bees alive and in a way that won’t destroy the colony,   beekeepers can be a good place to start. They will probably know someone who will be able to help you out especially if you specify that you want the honeycombs and the bees removed alive.

The best place to find a beekeeper in your area is on the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) website or Save Bees which is a website that lists live bee

removal companies.

The other option is the British Pest Controllers Association (BPCA). Like the beekeepersā€™ association, they have a search function that will allow you to find the nearest pest controller in your area.

Please don’t forget that pest control isn’t the last solution to removing a bee nest even if it’s well established and it’s been there a long time or it’s large, they can still be removed alive without destroying them.

See also:

Bee removal by a beekeeper

Bee removal by a pest controller


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At BeegoneĀ® Honeybee Removal, we truly understand how precious our bees are.

BeegoneĀ® specialises in the safe, environmentally friendly, live removal and rehoming of honeybee swarms and colonies, from structures or naturally occurring cavities. We cover the entire UK and have a team of trained and dedicated technicians ready to serve you.

Our aim is to educate people and businesses on honeybee identification and how to deal with them. We remove feral honeybees from structures, relocate them and prevent them from returning.

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