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What Damage Do Honeybees Cause To A Property?

Honey Leaking Through The Ceiling

When Honeybees Establish A Hive Within The Walls Or Attic Of A Building, The Honey They Produce Can Accumulate And Eventually Seep Through Ceilings And Walls. This Not Only Causes Unsightly Stains But Can Also Lead To Damage In Plaster Or Drywall, Requiring Costly Repairs.

Secondary Pest Infestations

Abandoned honeycomb can quickly become a magnet for secondary pests. Rodents, ants, moths, and other insects are drawn to the residual honey and beeswax left behind. These infestations not only worsen the problem but can also lead to structural damage, further compromising the building’s integrity.

Freeze Thaw Weathering Caused By Moisture Build Up Of Colony

Moisture from the bee colony can accumulate in walls and ceilings, especially in colder months. When this moisture freezes and thaws repeatedly, it can cause expansion and contraction, leading to cracks in the building materials. Over time, this cycle of weathering weakens the structure, increasing the risk of costly repairs.

Swarming Bees Into New Locations

As bee colonies grow larger, they can become overcrowded. This prompts swarming behavior, where a portion of the bees leave the original hive to establish a new one elsewhere in or around the building. Not only does this cause further infestations, but it also poses a significant safety risk to people nearby, as swarming bees can become aggressive.

Structural Damage

Honeybee colonies, especially when housed in confined areas like chimneys or behind walls, can cause significant structural damage. The weight of honeycomb and the bees’ activities can put pressure on beams, sagging ceilings, and weakening roof structures. In some cases, the entire affected section may need to be removed and rebuilt, particularly if moisture and pests have caused rot or decay.

Corrosion Of Metal Components

Honey and beeswax can interact with metal components in walls, roofs, and chimneys, leading to corrosion over time. Yes, honey can potentially corrode a nail or screw if it's in direct contact with the metal for extended periods. Honey is slightly acidic, with a pH ranging from 3.4 to 6.1, and contains moisture. The combination of acidity and moisture can accelerate the corrosion of metals, especially iron or steel.

Odor And Long-Term Residue Problems

As honeycomb breaks down and bees die off inside walls, roofs, or chimneys, a strong, unpleasant odor can develop. This smell is particularly hard to eliminate as it permeates building materials, lingering long after the bees are gone. Additionally, the sticky residue from honey and beeswax can permanently stain ceilings, walls, and chimneys, creating long-term cleaning and restoration challenges.

Aesthetic Damage

Bees nesting in chimneys, roofs, and walls can leave behind visible damage. Honey stains, crumbling plaster, and damaged paint are common aesthetic problems caused by honeybee colonies. Exposed brickwork in chimneys can also be compromised, leading to crumbling mortar and brick deterioration. This visible damage can significantly decrease the property’s appearance and overall value.

Allergenic Potential

For individuals sensitive to bee stings or who suffer from allergies related to bee venom, the presence of a bee colony inside a building poses serious health risks. Even if the bees are not aggressive, the risk of accidental stings remains high, and the proximity to a large number of bees increases exposure to allergens.

Have a bee problem? Call our care team 24/7 on 0208 088 4787

We do charge for swarm removal and honeybee removal.

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