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Experts In Live Honeybee And Comb Removal From Residential Properties

We save bees, you can too!

We perform a full site survey and risk assessment before anything is done. We then document everything and then send you a proposal for work to be done. Once we have removed the honeybees we then proof the structure to prevent other honeybees from getting back in. Guaranteed.

why site survey is important

Feel safe in your home!

Bees can cause much damage to property especially when they colonise in
chimneys, roofs, walls and trees.

We are insured to carry out bee removal and minor building works. We are even qualified to work on grade I, II and III listed buildings. We also use our own safe access equipment.

Here at Beegone® we carry out a full site survey and risk assessment before anything is done. We then document everything and then send you a proposal for work to be done. We will also point out any other vulnerable areas. Once we have removed the honeybees we then proof the structure to prevent other honeybees getting back in. Guaranteed.

We save bees – you can too!

Beegone® are the UK’s only expert bee specialist firm insured to carry out all aspects of the work.

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What makes Bee gone unique?

  • Comb and honeybee extraction
  • Rehoming of the honeybees after removal
  • Environmentally friendly, no chemical contamination
  • Cherry picker and scaffold access licence for hard to reach areas
  • Bee proofing included after removal and relocation
  • Asbestos surveys carried out as part of the process
  • DBS enhanced checked specialist bee removal technicians.
  • Fixed Quotes
  • 3-15 year guarantee!
  • Qualified for minor work on listed buildings
  • Fully insured to carry out all aspects of the job

For Expert Removal of Honeybees GUARANTEED!

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Brag about it

We save bees and you can too! Call us for a bee removal and then brag to your customers how you facilitated in the live removal and re-homing of bees and through this assisted in saving the environment.

Honeybees are vitally important for flower pollination but with the mass use of insecticides and pesticides they have become endangered. The U.N. have reported that of the 100 crop species that provide 90 percent of the world’s food, more than 70 percent are pollinated by bees. It is therefore vitally important that we take care of our bees.

Have a bee problem? Call our care team 24/7 on 0208 088 4787

We do charge for swarm removal and honeybee removal.

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