There are many websites, organisations and petitions focused on saving bees, for example, Save bees. Friends of the Earth has a campaign dedicated to it (friends of the earth), as does the Wildlife Trust (Wildlife trust) – you can find out more about how you can help on their websites.
Of the 250 bee species residing in the UK, 24 are bumblebees, there’s one honeybee species and the remainder are solitary bees. Other than supporting the campaigns above and signing petitions, there are many things that you can do to help bees which vary from species to species.
For solitary bees, building a bee hotel in a garden environment can provide a safe nesting and breeding site. Bumblebees, meanwhile, can be supported with the right choice of plants in a garden, such as high pollen flowers like sunflowers, lavender, foxgloves and even vegetable plants. Avoid rapeseed, as when its brief flowering period ends, it can lead to mass starvation.
Honeybees will also appreciate high pollen flowers but be warned, the products used to treat gardens can cause devastating effects. Homeowners should use organic products and natural alternatives – such as milk – where possible, rather than synthetic pesticides and plant treatments.
Of course, if you have an issue with bees in or around your property another way you can support the population is to ensure you employ an ethical company/person to remove the bees for you in an environmentally-friendly way. If you’re interested in finding out the cost of live bee removal see our article here: Beegone cost comparison